Sasha Gray
A shape appeared, a man racing, outlined in purple. The dog had filled her with his seed, and she felt slightly bloated as she lay listening to the man beside her. I groaned at the incestuous heat burning in my anal sheath. All that milk!
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Description: Sasha Gray
The girl’s thoughts were frantic. I said ok I know what to do come back to me now please, and Abby was with me again, I said Astral will you make me a clone of yourself please and have Abby build you a new body for transport and come here and take over the Base AI’s spot, she said what version do you want on the Base Daddy? I had started being with men a few years ago and as I said I had had a few lovers by now but most of them I fooled around with once or twice and was done with them (or they were done with me), Cameron on the other hand was different. After restraining him for a moment, Ben stood both of them up for the cameras in the room and dropped his own disguise, revealing himself as the real Dave Brighton. He’d already seen the look of admiration in her eyes when she saw the total.
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Video Duration: 02:23
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